August 21, 2007

Online Volume at Sharper Image

The Sharper Image recently shared information about year-to-date sales across channels, compared with last year.

Catalog/Phone Sales in 2007 = $2.1 million (-91%).
Catalog/Phone Sales in 2006 = $22.2 million.

Online Sales in 2007 = $19.9 million (-38%).
Online Sales in 2006 = $32.3 million.

Total Direct Sales in 2007 = $22.0 million.
Total Direct Sales in 2006 = $54.5 million.

Total Retail Sales in 2007 = $121.0 million (-21%).
Total Retail Sales in 2006 = $153.7 million.

Total Company Sales in 2007 = $143.4 million.
Total Company Sales in 2006 = $208.2 million.

Ok experts, time for your brilliance to shine!

Given the data you see in the tables above, do you think that pulling back on catalog advertising had an impact on online or retail sales, given that retail sales have been declining at similar rates for several years now?


  1. Anonymous4:47 AM

    A slippery slope. A good multi-channel catalog with targeted circulation has the ability to drive more business online and to stores, than to the traditional (and declining) phone channel. Their problems however are bigger than catalog cutbacks.

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'm not as interested in sales figures as I am in the margins

  3. Thanks for the comments, folks. Now, what do you think the sales impact was of the catalog on the online channel?


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