August 05, 2006

Database Marketers and Belief

Seth Godin has a brief post on belief. Database Marketers, especially those who work in the field of Business Intelligence, struggle with belief. Anytime a BI person has to share facts with people, beliefs are likely to override facts. If I had a dollar for every person who believed their opinions over my facts, I wouldn't have to work anymore.

The best you can do is work with honesty, integrity and humility. If people choose to disagree with your facts, let 'em. Show that you consistently act with honesty and integrity, and over time, people will be more likely to agree with your information. Database Marketing and Business Intelligence are about the long-haul, not about making a short-term splash.


  1. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I could not agree more with Kevin's assertions. As along-time consultant to CEOs, the primary barrier to solving problems is the inability of CEOs to believe anything other than their own version of reality. You can show them facts, benchmarks, tests, norms, and case-studies, but all of them will be denied--even repudiated--wherever they clash with personal preconception and ego.

    The only successful approach to this widespread and unfortunate human tendency is to be absolutely resolute in presenting the truth, even to the point of losing the assignment. Unlike owners of businesses--private or public--who have the luxury of choosing their destinies, responsible consultants have only one asset: integrity of their advice.

    Kevin sums up the essential strategy of business advisors:

    "The best you can do is work with honesty, integrity and humility. If people choose to disagree with your facts, let 'em. Show that you consistently act with honesty and integrity, and over time, people will be more likely to agree with your information. Database Marketing and Business Intelligence are about the long-haul, not about making a short-term splash."

    Keep writing about truth, Kevin!

    Don Libey
    Libey Incorporated

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Thanks for the nice feedback. Naturally, I agree with all of it!!


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