February 13, 2025

MineThatData Happy Hour!

We held our first MineThatData Happy Hour on Thursday Night - thank you to the 1,200+ people who interacted with the blog content ... sixteen requested a link, seven attended! A clear success! It's important that people get to be heard ... you can't do that with 773 attendees.

None of the attendees dropped off the video conference. Our conversations surrounded finding new customers, influencer marketing, paid social, community, the importance of reflecting your brand appropriately across different audiences, and of course ... attribution!

I'm thinking we should do another one in March. I'll be in touch in a few weeks to see if you want to participate. Between now and then, if you have conversation topics, send them to me (kevinh@minethatdata.com) and I'll be happy to weave the topics into the next Happy Hour.

P.S.:  One topic that came up that you should know about ... I was recently asked to speak at a conference, and I was asked if I could bring either $10,000 or $20,000 for the right to speak. Similar issues happen with the National Retail Federation (though they didn't ask me to speak ... I've seen their pitch deck). One of our attendees noted that it is discouraging that conferences are pay-to-play these days, and that it is very hard to network and hear different thoughts in an unbiased environment. I'm willing to provide an unbiased environment. So help us build a second event, and let's see if we can create something where we can talk about business challenges in a safe environment. Does that sound reasonable?

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