October 30, 2024

A Mistake

BigO Tires is using their SMS-based CRM system.

Not mentioned here is they provided an oil change a half-year ago and they replaced a tire sensor about nine months ago.

So ... two points for their brand using a SMS-based CRM system. Odds are likely you aren't doing this.

But if you are going to wander down this path ... get it right.

I know many of you get frustrated when I say something about Headphones.com (somebody emailed me last week to tell me how I got their story "all wrong" ... thanks for the feedback), but when I log in to their community forum and look at a specific topic, they send me an email about products related to that topic.

  • Their feedback is based on my actions in-between purchases, their action is relevant and immediate.
  • BigO Tires sends a CRM-based message not connected to purchases or actions, and contains inaccurate data.

My industry is kind of lost right now ... and we wonder why we retain 25% of customers when we could retain 35% of customers??

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