September 16, 2024

Seasonality as a Reactivation Opportunity

Remember this image from a week-and-a-half ago?

Remember the peaks at 11/12/13 ... 23/24/25 ... 35/36/37 months since a first purchase?

Those peaks reflect seasonality. Most of your businesses have seasonality opportunities. For the most part, inactive customers have a memory, the traits associated with a first order stick with the customer for a long time. So much so, in fact, that the customer becomes more responsive on the approximate anniversary of a purchase ... even if the customer has not purchased again in three years.

Take advantage of this opportunity. Create personalized marketing efforts to speak to specific customers approaching the anniversary of a prior purchase. If you want to reactivate more customers, do it when the fish are biting.

We just stacked another win onto our reactivation playbook.

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