August 28, 2024

Pundits Talking About Your Marketing Plans For The Election

It's hard to visit LinkedIn these days ... it's even harder as an election barrels toward us and pundits are telling you what you need to do from a marketing perspective.

Nobody, and I repeat, nobody, has any idea what is going to happen over the next ten-ish weeks.

If I would have told you on Memorial Day weekend that one candidate would be forced out while another candidate would survive an assassination attempt ... and both events are already ancient history by Labor Day weekend, you'd have barely believed me. And yet, here we are.

So what if customers are distracted for a week? You made it through a pandemic ... you think your customers weren't distracted then?

In e-commerce, you have businesses that create demand-generating scenarios, and you have businesses that react to those who create demand-generating scenario. Too many readers react. Not many create.

I know, you are going to tell me that your business analyst says sales will be down 20% that week or whatever. Fine. So what? It happens every four years. Every five-six years you lose a week between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and you somehow get through that situation.

You'll get through the election as well. Take a breath. Focus on what you control, focus less on what controls you.

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