August 22, 2024

One More For You

Yes, go buy the book.

Maybe I'm obsessed by the book because it was written by a female coach butting heads in a male-dominated sport. Seriously, how many leadership books have you read, authored by women, women who didn't use the phrase "lean in"? Not many. How many e-commerce books have you read that were written by female executives? Not many.

A few quotes for you to think about.

  • "The mind runs amok when it doesn't have facts to digest." In my project work, I present facts that many haven't seen before. You should see what happens to the mind when it is forced to digest a few facts! Praise to my clients for being willing to be challenged.
  • "The word 'happy' would lose meaning if it were not balanced by sadness" (via Carl Jung).
  • "Dressing rooms are hierarchical places" (so are the informal social networks created at your brand).
  • "I couldn't compete with the power of bad memories." How many of you are still tormented by something that didn't work at your company? "We tried that in 2013 and it didn't work!" Well, it's 2024, isn't it? I said stupid stuff like this last week in an email to somebody, telling the individual I tried something in 2007 and it did not work. Take your own medicine, Kevin!

Ok, this is my final reference of the book. Now go do something with what you've learned after reading the book. You're capable of so much good work!

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