July 18, 2024

Cost Differences

Do you remember Bernie Mac in Oceans Eleven ... negotiating van prices? Muttering nonsense about Aloe Vera while squeezing the sales dude's hand so hard that the sales dude dropped the price of the vans another two-thousand dollars each?

It was a more enjoyable world when Bernie Mac was with in it.

Anyway, I get to see the advertising cost of mailings. One brand puts 84 pages in the mail for $0.95, another brand for $0.67. You might imagine that one of these brands has a different perspective on cost inflation than the other. 

Maybe one of these brands has Bernie Mac doing the negotiations.

If you are on the high end of the comparison above, might it be time to have a discussion with somebody? Or if volume is the problem, maybe it is time for twenty small brands to band together in some fashion (no, not co-mailing) to be treated better.

As the late Don Libey used to ask, "what if?".

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