January 15, 2024

Chili Bowl

This will come back to e-commerce, I promise.

You already know I enjoy playing pickleball. One of my other hobbies is sprint car / midget racing on dirt tracks. This past week was the Super Bowl of midget racing, called the Chili Bowl, in Tulsa.

About 370 cars start the week - at the end of the week 24 get to race for a national championship.

Interestingly, this event has no competition. It is held indoors in Tulsa in January. It doesn't pay well ($20,000 to win on Saturday night, $2,000 to start the 24 car finale). But it draws NASCAR drivers and drivers from many other racing disciplines - to see who is best.

I always giggle a bit when I hear pundits talk about how somebody like Target is "competing against Prime Day" with their own event. What a waste. Or when pundits demand that you give customers 50% off on Cyber Monday to remain competitive. Yuk.

Is there a reason why you don't have a compelling event on May 7?  Or September 27?

Building a compelling event is hard work, and there is no guarantee it will be compelling to the customer.

But it is important work. Be known for something.

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