April 02, 2020

One-Page Summary Of What You Need To Provide For A QuickScore Project

I'm getting A LOT of inquiries about performing a QuickScore analysis ... so I thought I'd summarize the requirements for a project so you know exactly what you need to provide. When you contact me about starting a project, you'll already know what to do and you can just tell me to "go" and get busy.

Again, I will provide QuickScores at the ridiculously low cost of $8,000 for the duration of our COVID-19 stay-at-home situation ... and likely well into next year if issues continue. You deserve to get something at a very low cost right now, don't you?

And if you need the standard Contact Strategy project (if you are a catalog brand), read the bottom of this page for details. In the standard Contact Strategy project, you will learn exactly how many times you should mail a customer on an annual basis to optimize company profit.

Why QuickScores?  Your feedback suggests you will need to cut back on marketing expenses, and you need a tool to quickly and easily manage email marketing (targeting best email subscribers with the merchandise they love - personalized at a customer level) RIGHT NOW!!  Catalogers are telling me they want a simple score they can apply to their database to reduce catalog mailings to save money while better leveraging email marketing to target customers properly at a low cost, helping make up sales volume lost via print reductions.

QuickScores Project Outline

File #1 (Required): One row per item purchased, 5 years of purchase history, .csv file format required.
  • Household_ID
  • Order Date (20200402).
  • Merchandise Category.
  • Item Number.
  • Quantity Purchased.
  • Amount Spent.
  • Physical Channel Purchased From (Mail, Phone, Online, Retail).
  • Marketing Channel Purchased From (Paid Search, Email Marketing, Catalogs, Affiliates, Television, Radio etc).
 File #2 (Optional): One row per household, .csv file format required.
  • Household_ID
  • Email Subscription Date (20171118).
 File #3 (Optional):  One row per household, .csv file format required.
  • Household_ID
  • Date Customer Clicked-Through an Email Campaign (20190614).
File #4 (Optional / Catalog Brands Only):  One row per household, .csv file format required.
  • Household_ID
  • Number of catalogs mailed, past 12 months.
  • Total cost of mailings at a customer level. 
Profit Data:  Percentage of demand that flows-through to profit (i.e. 42%).

What do you receive?
  • Brand QuickScore:  Each customer is scored based on overall brand responsiveness, 0 to 100 (100 = best).
  • Catalog QuickScore:  Each customer is scored based on catalog responsiveness, 0 to 100 (100 = best).
  • Email QuickScore:  Each customer is scored based on likelihood of clicking through an email campaign (or buying via an email campaign if email clicks are not available), 0 to 100 (100 = best)..
  • Primary Merchandise Category QuickScore:  Based on a weighting scheme, I tell you the merchandise category the customer prefers most, for email targeting purposes. You personalize email merchandise strategy via a combination of the Email QuickScore and Primary Merchandise QuickScore.
  • Secondary Merchandise Category Quickscore:  Based on a weighting scheme, I tell you the merchandise category the customer prefers second-most, for email targeting purposes. You personalize email merchandise strategy via a combination of the Email QuickScore and Secondary Merchandise QuickScore.
 Project Cost:
  • $8,000, held firm during the COVID-19 outbreak, due within 15 days of project completion.
 Project Length:
  • Once data is received, the analysis should take 5-7 business days.
 Pseudo Code:
  • A document will outline the pseudo code required to implement the scores in your customer data warehouse.
  • You will also be sent the QuickScores, at a customer level, based on the most recent date in your database, so that you can act immediately upon the results.
 Project Add-On:
  • If you are a catalog brand and you wish to know exactly how many catalogs to mail to customers on an annual basis to optimize annual profit, you can add the Contact Strategy component to your project.
    • Annual Sales up to $30,000,000 = $8,000 QuickScores fee plus $9,000.
    • Annual Sales $30,000,000 to $99,999,999 = $8,000 QuickScores fee plus $22,000.
    • Annual Sales $100,000,000 to $999,999,999 = $8,000 QuickScores fee plus $32,000.
    • Annual Sales $1,000,000,000 and above = $8,000 QuickScores fee plus $47,000.


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