December 15, 2019

Optimizing A Catalog Brand

As catalog brands die right and left, one wonders why those businesses were so reluctant to "optimize themselves" before misery and closure set in?

It happens all the time. Those who hold the keys to "the brand" are not willing to cut back and save expense, they feel they need to "protect the brand", and to them the essence of the brand is "the catalog". 

Eventually somebody cuts back on housefile mailings ... ever-so-marginally ... from 14 mailings per year to 13, and nothing improves. Then customer acquisition is hacked back too far (we'll win by keeping our "loyal" customers), and the wheels come off the bus.

Here's a business that is heavily catalog-centric ... a paltry 24% organic percentage and heavy ad-cost investment across the 0-48 month file.

Tomorrow, I'm going to demonstrate to you what a Housefile Print Ad Cost Simulation can show you about your business. Learn how profitable your business could be (albeit smaller). Consider it your Christmas Gift, ok?

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