November 21, 2019

Marketers Who Cheat

I see it in so many projects ... the marketing team is "cheating" in an effort to maximize their metrics so that the marketers look good.

What do I mean by cheating? Let me show you something.

The average price point per item purchased, past twelve months.
  • Orders Attributed to Old-School Catalogs = $48.88.
  • Email Orders = $39.65.
  • All Other Online Orders = $45.12.
Again ... this happens ALL THE TIME ... and it proves that the marketing team is cheating ... they're featuring merchandise in email campaigns that is, on average, a good five dollars (or more) cheaper than all other items.

Why should anybody care about this? Simple. Your merchandising team and your brand marketing team are looking for accurate representations of your brand. On average, your merchandising team is introducing new items that are likely to be more expensive than are the existing items being sold (this is such a key trend in 2019). Well, how are those items going to get a chance to thrive when your daily communication with the customer features items that are inexpensive and designed to help the marketer look good?


Represent your brand accurately. If you have to cheat, cheat with a purpose ... feature best sellers to improve your ROI, or if you have to feature inexpensive items feature inexpensive new items in an effort to boost new item performance (which guarantees future existing item performance).

Does that makes sense??

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