February 22, 2018

You Must Do Something Different

The theme is "You Must Do Something Different".

Now, doing something different is a "conditional" statement. If you are Wayfair, doing something different might mean recognizing that you've hit a customer acquisition wall and you need to develop a "mature-business" style advertising campaign. If you are Serengeti, it might align with making the transition from being catalog-first to online-marketing-first (yes, this a problem - most traditional companies that existed prior to the internet have not made the transition to being online-first). 

If you are a cataloger catering to a 71 year old customer? Your problem is much, much harder to deal with.

So on April 5, we're going to have an honest discussion about where we are and where we're going. In person! You're not going to get a keynote speaker who paid a $20,000 sponsorship fee to give you "Five Quick Tips For Optimizing Engagement Using Artificial Intelligence To Create Personalized And Relevant Experiences". If you want something like that, there's plenty of conferences to choose from.

Nope - this conference is for the smart people in the audience. People like YOU! People who want to make a real difference.

Come on, join me on April 5 ... click here for the deets.

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April 3: The Next MineThatData Happy Hour!

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