August 29, 2017

Another Low-Cost / No-Cost Customer Acquisition Example

Here's the image from the tweet:

You use a product (a pair of products, really) to advertise how to prepare for a Fantasy Football League draft.

Yes, the tweet says it is an ad - so they apparently paid this NFL writer to tweet this (#influencermarketing). And if you want the grill, it's just $80 (click here).

How much does it cost to execute this strategy? Almost nothing.

Do you have a product that has a unique purpose?

Do you have the slightest bit of imagination?


Then why not Try Something!!

You can do this.

P.S.: I know, I know, you just want to pay Facebook a modest fee and have instant success. Ok then, click here and try out your version of this.

P.P.S.: Read what these two young ladies had to do to push the peanut (click here). My goodness. Again, creativity ... out of necessity. Try Something!

P.P.P.S.: Yes, I get it. You'll have to do 365 of these ideas a year, one idea per day, in order to hit on five or ten. And those are odds you don't want to buck. You can do this! I write more than 250 blog posts per year ... do you think that is easy? It's easier once you get in the habit of doing it. You'll get in the habit of producing a great low-cost / no-cost customer acquisition program. And you'll be rewarded for your efforts!

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