May 24, 2017

Two Recent Requests

There were two recent requests for information ... so I thought I'd pass each along to you.

Request #1:  A vendor asked if it were possible to see what my five-year forecasting framework looks like - in case there were an opportunity to build the framework into existing analytics software. I prepared this document to outline the methodology (click here). If you are Google or Adobe or somebody else and you want to partner on transitioning the methodology to your application, email me your thoughts (

Request #2:  A professional asked if I sold the programming code I use to perform my project work? The answer, of course, is "maybe". All of my methodologies are outlined in my booklets (click here to see Hillstrom's Fix It, for instance). But let's try something. If you click here, you can download the SPSS code I use for my Rolling 12 Month File Analysis. If you like what you see and would like to purchase all of the code for my "Fix It" framework, contact me ( and we can chat.

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