April 28, 2016

Content No Longer Relevant!!!!

The long-time catalog industry veteran, a person I personally know, was done ... the person clicked on the unsub link and gave the following reason for not participating any longer ...

"Content No Longer Relevant".

Every email unsub this week is from a catalog industry veteran. Every reason given is "Content No Longer Relevant".

Mind you, the online and mobile community are not unsubscribing ... and cataloging is truly not relevant to them!!!

Those who left are not reading this.

You are still reading this.

Thank you very much for sticking with this line of reasoning ... for at least considering the following topics.
  1. Catalogers, as a whole, are not growing.
  2. Customer retention rates are low ... around 37%.
  3. Therefore, we need to acquire new customers.
  4. Co-ops are dying ... look at your own response rates over time.
  5. Therefore, we need to find new customers in creative ways.
  6. Marketers are frequently not respected within their own company ... your mileage will vary, but we all know how marketers are stepped on by co-workers.
  7. Therefore, marketers need to change the organizational structure and interpersonal dynamics within a company.
Do you agree or disagree with my thesis?

If you disagree ... here is your chance to respond ... leave a comment or send me an email message (kevinh@minethatdata.com) and offer your own thesis for how catalogers should proceed, going forward. If your thesis is sound and based in logic and data, I will publish your thesis next week ... I will publish every single reasonably written thesis. Use this opportunity to share why your industry needs to change ... or share why the industry does not need to change. If you are a vendor - this is a great opportunity to get free advertising, use it to your advantage.

I'll accept submissions through the end of day Friday.

Go. Write. Now!!

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