February 01, 2016


In my Customer Acquisition presentation (click here), I share a slide about humor. The slide features a commercial where the candy bar being advertised is "not for girls".

I know, I know. Your brand is unique, your brand is different, your brand is inclusive, your brand is serious ... you sell widgets, and there's nothing funny about widgets. You tried a joke back in 1988 about Michael Dukakis and sales didn't increase. Humor doesn't work.

Customer Acquisition is the biggest story of 2016. One way to find new customers is to entertain prospects. Maybe humor hasn't historically worked for your business. Is it possible what you've tried, historically, wasn't funny in the first place? I mean, I spent years working on the "Gliebers Dresses" series ... not saying it was funny, but it was an attempt at humor, and subscribers increased and it was frequently mentioned during client visits ... so it did something.

Try something.

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