September 17, 2014

Amazon and Merchandise Forensics

You read Benedict Evans, don't you (click here for a sample article about Amazon - the image to the right is from that article).

In this essay about Amazon, he cites this image, a refined version of one drawn on a napkin by Jeff Bezos.

Look at the arrows, look at the words.

Words/Phrases that are missing:
  • Multichannel.
  • Omnichannel.
  • Mobile.
  • Social.
  • 20% off Plus Free Shipping.
Sellers and Selection ... that's Merchandise.

Customer Experience? That's pretty important.

The essence of Merchandise Forensics is outlined in the image above. Merchandise improves the customer experience, which drives traffic, which attracts sellers (your merchandise vendors) which improves selection which improves the customer experience.

Is it possible that we're focusing on the wrong things, and that's why business isn't so great?

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