December 09, 2013

Join Me In London On February 20 For Vircomm Summit 2014!

Are you going to be in London on February 20?

If so, why not come hear me speak about ... wait for it ... wait for it ... SOCIAL MEDIA! Join me at Vircomm Summit 2014 in London on February 20 (click here).

Yes, I'll be talking about the good and the bad that is Social Media ... here's a description of my talk:
The day begins with a keynote from Kevin Hillstrom, revered analytics expert and a ferocious critic of much of what passes for best practice in our profession. Kevin will be tearing down sacred cows of community building with some much needed perspective and executive-level insight.
Kevin will explain the common mistakes and myths about social media/online communities and highlight the specific circumstances in which communities can help organizations. This includes how to definitively prove that communities generate a positive return on investment.
Kevin will also cover the process of building internal support for communities and gaining buy-in for a community effort. What does your boss (and your colleagues) want to hear? We’ll learn it’s not as simple as you might imagine. The talk will conclude with a series of specific action points both those at the executive level and practitioner level can immediately apply to achieve greater success.
So be there! Come on!
And if you are a cataloger in the UK, start your project today, so that it will be all wrapped up by the time I arrive (click here for file layouts and pricing).

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