July 01, 2012

Dear Catalog CEOs: The Opposite

Dear Catalog CEOs:

You remember the Seinfeld episode where George was coaxed by Jerry into "doing the opposite".  If every instinct he had was wrong, then the opposite would have to be right!

It might be time for us to try a few things that are opposite this summer, just to see how they work.

  • Instead of sending a hotline catalog to any customer who purchases, try sending them only to customers who use mail/phone.
  • Among customers who have purchased 3+ times, and last purchased via email, try not sending those customers catalogs for the next three months, just to see what happens.
  • Instead of keeping the contact strategy the same as it has been since the 1984 Olympiad, why not add a small catalog to the contact strategy for mail/phone buyers who purchased in the past year?
  • Instead of tethering all activities to the catalog, why not put your smartest 29 year old marketing staffer on a new mission ... to create a new brand that appeals to Jasmine's generation?
  • Instead of sending catalogs to retail customers who just purchased, why not instead have your store manager call customers, thanking them for their recent purchase, asking if there is anything else s/he can do to help with the recent order?
Your thoughts ... what are some of your ideas for "doing the opposite"??

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