March 05, 2012

A Quiz

You remember the three customers that, if targeted appropriately, earn our business a boat load of profit?

There's Judy, the 59 year old, thirty year veteran of catalog shopping.

There's Jennifer, the 43 year old, iPad toting online maven, who searches for the best deals, using the internet as her own little personal scavenger hunt.

And there's Jasmine, the 29 year old mobile/social/local shopper who loves getting a $399 handbag for $99 on a flash sales site.

Now that you've been reintroduced to the cast, it is time for you to take a quiz.  How well do you know our customers?

Question #1:  What would happen if you mailed a catalog to Jennifer?

  1. You may inspire a sale that would likely happen anyway online.
  2. The catalog would be ignored.
  3. The catalog would inspire a telephone order.
Question #2:  When you measure daily sales through your classic order entry system, which customer are you measuring?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #3:  Which customer is most likely to visit your website via Google?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #4:  Which customer is least likely to appear on the twelve-month buyer file of an average catalog brand?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #5:  Which customer is on Facebook only because it is the best way for her to see images of her grandchildren?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine
Question #6:  Which customer is most likely to purchase via a coupon code found on an affiliate website?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #7:  Which customer will enter prime earning years from 2025 - 2035?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #8:  Which customer is most likely to hear about a new brand via word of mouth?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #9:  Which customer is most likely to be rented from a co-op?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Question #10:  Which customer is most likely to buy from an email campaign that features full price merchandise offered with free shipping?
  1. Judy.
  2. Jennifer.
  3. Jasmine.
Answers:  1=1, 2=1, 3=2, 4=3, 5=1, 6=2, 7=3, 8=3, 9=1, 10=2

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