June 30, 2011

Kevin Hillstrom on YouTube: A Presentation At A Recent Listrak Event

Here's a brief presentation I gave at a recent Listrak event ... give it a view if you want to hear a few comments about modern email marketing and segmentation.
At the end of the presentation, you'll see a brief panel discussion with venerable experts Anne Holland (WhichTestWon) and Sucharita Mulpuru (Forrester).

1 comment:

  1. I like the half-life analogy in your speech. Your views E-mail marketing holds true for me, and trust me, I can relate to that. I've bought a microwave an e-mail lead me to, and being satisfied, have recognized the brand and remained loyal to it.

    Sir, that's a powerful presentation. Good slideshow and examples for me to ponder on. These things are important and people too, by your great example, should know the advantages of presentation skills training if they can't acquire it on their own efforts. Thanks for sharing.


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