January 27, 2011

Consulting Projects: Clarification

There's been a few questions in recent days about what you get when you sign up for various consulting projects.  Hopefully, this will clarify things for those of you looking to hire me this Spring.

Catalog Marketing PhD
  • Target Audience:  Catalog CEOs, Catalog Marketing VPs.
  • Average Cost:  Logarithmic Curve, $7,500 for small businesses, $75,000 for Wal-Mart.
  • Average Gain:  A $50,000,000 business (housefile) will see $300,000 to $500,000 of annual profit, on average.  A few cases push to $1,000,000 or more, contact me for references.  In other words, it is typical to generate 20 times as much profit, per year, as you pay for the cost of the project.  That's a sweet deal, folks!
  • What You Get:  Rolling twelve-month analysis of growth by channel, Multi-Channel Forensics analysis of each physical/ad channel so that you understand how all of your channels fit together, Digital Profile segmentation analysis, prediction of twelve-month profit by customer, calculation of "organic percentage", the amount of demand not generated by catalogs, prediction of twelve-month profit generated by catalogs, Forecast Forensics that tell you what you must do to grow your business in the next five years, and a customized catalog contact plan for each individual customer for the next year --- telling you exactly how many catalogs to mail each customer to generate optimal company profit.
Digital Profiles
  • Target Audience:  E-Commerce CEOs & EVPs, Retail CEOs & EVPs
  • Average Cost:  Logarithmic Curve, $5,000 for small businesses, $40,000 for Wal-Mart.
  • Average Gain:  Determined by how the client chooses to use the results.
  • What You Get:  Digital Profile segmentation analysis, yielding sixteen or more actionable segments that comprise channel preference (e-commerce, e-mail, search, affiliates, social, mobile), merchandise preference, geographic location, lifestage/psychographic/demographic information, credit information.  Digital Profiles are most often used to analyze e-mail campaign performance and to target customers for specific e-mail versions ... project results are also used to analyze online item performance by Digital Profile.  In addition, client gets Forecast Forensics, which tell the CEO/EVP what must be done to grow your business in the next five years, by channel.
Forecast Forensics
  • Target Audience:  Owners, CEOs, EVPs, VP of Marketing
  • Average Cost: For the first three clients, $3,200 for existing clients, $3,900 for new clients.  Prices are likely to increase after the first three clients are accepted.
  • Average Gain:  Determined by how the client chooses to use the results.
  • What You Get:  A spreadsheet that predicts where your business is headed, given various advertising strategies by channel, various retention strategies, and various new customer acquisition strategies.  You will obtain predictions, by channel, for total sales over the next five years.  You will be able to simulate different strategies (i.e. doubling your e-mail frequency, increasing your search budget, ramping-up your mobile strategy), and you'll be able to see where your business heads as a result.  I anticipate this will be a popular project among E-Commerce Executives struggling to understand the impact of mobile/social on their business.  I anticipate this will be a popular project among Catalog Owners looking to sell their business in the next year.
Please e-mail me with any questions you have, I'll be happy to answer them for you.

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