February 15, 2010

Digital Profiles: Naming Conventions

Ok, you've come up with sixteen Digital Profiles. Now you need to name them.

This might be the hardest part. The names should be catchy, and should directionally describe what the customers in that Digital Profile have done, or are likely to do.

For instance, here are sixteen names, one for each segment in an analysis:
  • Multichannel Men (Men who buy often, and buy via catalogs, e-mail, search, online, etc.)
  • Digital Dudes (Men who love to shop online).
  • Summer Ladies (Women who purchase merchandise in May/June/July).
  • Show Me A Deal! (Women who buy lots of merchandise on sale).
  • Winter Wear (Customers who buy in the winter).
  • Happy Holidays (Customers who limit shopping to the Holiday Season).
  • Autumn Online (Women who prefer the Fall assortment, in September or October).
  • J. Peterman (A male shopper with taste and attention to detail).
  • Tech Men (Think of a male shopper in the Bay Area, one who hates seeing trees cut down and converted into advertising catalogs).
  • Bargain Betty (A rural female shopper who buys inexpensive items and sale items).
  • Web Sale Susan (A suburban female shopper looking for the best deal online).
  • Buy A Jacket, Man! (A male shopper who only looks for outerwear).
  • Last Minute Guy (A male shopper purchasing gifts with expedited shipping).
  • Bonnie Big Ticket (A female shopper with a discerning taste for expensive items).
  • Gift For My Girl (A mom shopping for her daughter).

You simply analyze all of the variables that comprise each Digital Persona, looking for trends that illustrate what this customer is all about.

Up Next: A sample analysis or two!

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