October 12, 2009

Breaking News: A New Book!!!!

In just a few weeks, you will be among the first to have the opportunity to purchase a new book:

Online Marketing Simulations: The Definitive Methodology For Predicting The Future Of Your Online Business

The book walks you through an example of an e-commerce business with the following characteristics:

  • Seven Advertising Micro-Channels, including Affiliates, E-Mail, Offline Advertising, Print Ads, Paid Search, Social Media, No Defined Source.
  • Five Merchandise Divisions.
  • 240 Analysis Segments.
  • Free Spreadsheet, downloadable from http://minethatdata.com/, to use as you walk through the exercises in the book.
  • SPSS Computer Code required to build the spreadsheet from scratch --- more than 4,000 lines of programming code will be available. If you're an enterprising coder, you'll be able to recognize what I'm doing, allowing you to code the entire simulation in the programming language of your choice.

Within this framework, you will explore all of the ways that Online Marketing Simulations can be used to learn which customers have the best long-term value, allowing you to optimize your marketing campaigns in the short-term for better results. You will also get to see how a business can be calibrated for long-term growth.

The book will be available on Amazon.com. And I listened to you, I heard your concerns about how much a business book should cost. So this time, the price is tentatively set for $19.90. You will be hard-pressed to find content of this nature available anywhere else, much less at that price. Management Consultants might charge a hundred thousand dollars or more for this kind of information. Research organizations would charge $1,495. Seriously. Ask both audiences.

Online Marketing Simulations will be one of my two key consulting project focuses over the next twelve months (the other project focus, of course, is Multichannel Forensics). This topic isn't going away. I'll be happy when I have plenty of consulting projects and the leading web analytics vendors incorporate this methodology into their software offering, so that all of us can easily access this information. I would like to politely ask you to help make that happen, that you ask your software providers to help arm you with the tools necessary to make good long-term decisions. Our industry simply lacks tools that allow really talented analysts to optimize conversion rates in a way that guarantees long-term success.


  1. Count me in!

    Harry Joiner

  2. Congratulations on finishing the book Kevin. It will be an absolute steal at $19.95, and I hope you sell a bunch of them - I'll be one of the first in line.

  3. Really looking forward to picking up the book, and learning from your analysis approaches!

    (and porting your SPSS code to SAS in the process... :) )

  4. Thanks, everybody! The code certainly can be ported to SAS.


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