October 28, 2009

Amazon.com Is Now Offering Online Marketing Simulations!!

Well, that happened 10 days faster than it was supposed to happen.

You can now purchase Online Marketing Simulations at Amazon.com --- click here for more details.

Click here to search inside the book, to see the table of contents and a few tidbits.

And if you're waiting for the Kindle version of the book, it will be ready shortly, available for $4.99.

Read the book. Create your own spreadsheet. Apply the concepts to your business. Be a sage, be one of the only people in your company who knows whether your business is forecast to grow indefinitely, or is heading toward a problem.

If you are particularly "geeky", you'll enjoy the 50-ish pages of computer code at the back of the book.

If you're a CEO, you must have this information. Every CEO must know where business is heading, and must be ready to mitigate negative outcomes.

If you are a Marketing Executive, you will be light years ahead of your competition by having the outcome of an Online Marketing Simulation.

These are the projects that CEOs are hiring me to perform these days, so buy the book, and get busy on your own OMS project!!

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