January 27, 2009

Job Outlook

This wasn't hard to predict.

It is sooooo easy to say that things look bad.

Find the individual who says things are going to improve, and shows you a path out. That person may be wrong, but she has the courage to stick her neck out there. If you can't find that person, BE that person!

In basketball, when things look bad during a game, you call a time out and regroup. You don't fire the team during the game.

So call a time out.

On Data Analyst Day (February 2), celebrate all that is still good about working in our profession. Then come back to work on February 3, and start putting some positive mojo out there --- no matter what anybody says, no matter how many jobs are lost, you're going to fix your corner of the world.

And if enough of us do that, things will improve.


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    There's lots of gloom and doom among multichannel marketing candidates.


    I would rather my own son or daughter have DTC marketing skills than have a JD from Harvard Law School.

    Here's why: There's 125 pages of lawyers in the Atlanta phone book, and the numbers may be proportionately similar in your town.

    Yet Forrester Research and Shop.org report that online shopping will reach one trillion dollars by 2020 -- up from $207 billion in 2009. Kids, that's a 14.58% CAGR no matter what the economy does. AND: Online is supposedly going to account for 30% of total retail spend by 2020. Now, some folks wonder about the 30% claim -- but all of the analysts are BULLISH any way you slice it.

    Then there's international:

    ComScore reported earlier this week that global internet penetration is 1 billion users. We are just in the top of the second inning of this global ecommerce game, and it's going to be huge. HUGE, I tell ya. I closed my first international ecommerce search last year (with Adidas in Amsterdam). There's more to come. Much more!

    So STFU about whether or not you are in the right industry at the right time, etc. YOU ARE. You are the envy of white collar workers everywhere, and you could not be in a better position to enjoy personal and professional growth well into the foreseeable future. I couldn't be more serious.

    You've got the naysayers right where you want them.

    Want more encouragement????
    See http://www.97JobSearchTips.com

    Kind regards,
    Harry Joiner
    Ph. (678) 749-7075 x101
    As seen in "Internet Retailer" Magazine

  2. Thanks for the feedback, good advice!

  3. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Hi Kevin,

    2nd of February doesn't work as DA day. It is a Monday. When does a data analyst ever get off on a Monday?

    Anyway, I took this Friday off instead. Celebrating early, so I can run reports on Monday. Enjoy your day off.


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