October 14, 2008

Best Buy CMO Barry Judge Hosts A Blog

Enjoy interacting with Best Buy CMO Barry Judge on his blog. I recall being in all day meetings with him in Minneapolis back in 2000 when I was at Avenue A and he was the online executive at Best Buy ... he's a character!


  1. sure is a plain-jane looking blog. don't you agree? 'sup with that?

    Harry Joiner

  2. Hop on his blog and ask him about the generic template!

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    My blog template is pretty boring. I am just getting going. Look for an update in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, if you have an opinion about Best Buy join into the conversation. There are a number of streams going on.

    Talk again sometime.

  4. Content is more important than appearance. Thanks for providing your view of marketing for folks to learn from.


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