November 19, 2007

Offer Your Suggestions, And You Might Win A Free Book On Multichannel Forensics

More than a thousand of you read this blog on a daily basis.


I'm looking for a little feedback.

If you're willing to send me an e-mail or leave a comment, share why you read this blog, your company category (client or vendor), industry (catalog/multichannel, retail/multichannel, online pureplay, e-mail, search, web analytics, business intelligence), and what you'd like to see me talk about in the future. Criticisms are welcomed, feel free to tell me what you're sick of!

You can leave an anonymous comment.

If you choose to identify yourself (probably best done via e-mail), you'll be entered into a drawing for a free copy of my new book, "Hillstrom's Multichannel Forensics". That's a $95 value, folks!

Thank you in advance for taking a moment to help me understand how to provide you with a better experience.



  1. Kevin,

    Yours is one of the very smartest blogs out there -- right up there with Steve Rubel's Micropersuasion.

    Your voice is equal parts Jim Novo and Seth Godin. You engage and educate your readers, and you are INCREDIBLY prolific. I would imagine that's why you have >1000 daily readers.

    It's obvious that you are a real person with real experience in multichannel database marketing.

    Reading your blog is like watching a sprinter run a marathon. I keep waiting for you to slow down.

    But so far you haven't. Not one bit.

    Your fan,
    Harry Joiner

  2. Thanks for the nice comments, Mr. Joiner!

    We'll see how you fare in the book drawing. You're up against stiff competition that came in via the e-mail "channel"!

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Fantastic blog. Already emailed you but just to add to the comments(and add another channel of reply):
    1. You are the Professor of Multi Channel Marketing.
    2. Your posts are not only prolific as mentioned above, but also well-thought out. You provide both quantity AND quality.
    3. More opinions on retailers! This is the crucial moment for the traditional department stores like Macy's, Nordstroms, Penneys, Sears, and Kohls. They anchor the malls hence the community market experience. Can they weather the discounters Walmart/Target, the specialties like Best Buy and Williams Sonoma, and the online world? What will Black Friday look like 5 years from now? A decade from now?

    Thanks again, Professor!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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