July 15, 2007

Multichannel Retailing Week

This week, I want to take a look at Multichannel Retailing from the perspective of many different job functions, viewing Multichannel Retailing from the position of an actual practitioner on the "client side" of the business. Though I've spent the past four months managing my own projects as a freelance analyst, I did spend the past nineteen years dealing with real issues on the "client side" of the business relationship.

Maybe ninety percent of what you read about Multichannel Retailing comes from the "vendor side" of the business. It's been my experience that these folks, by and large, want to do good for their clients. Still, they have to sell something in order to put bread on the table.

This week, I hope we can have a discussion about real challenges that employees at multichannel retailers (those with a catalog/web presence, retail/web presence, or retail/catalog/web presence) face, a discussion where readers don't feel like they are being 'sold a solution'. I'd appreciate your participation, by submitting comments where appropriate.

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Hunt Brothers Pizza

An appropriate topic for pi day (3/14). Are they retail experts? Absolutely! 9,500 locations, nine-figure sales. You can't toss a wind-b...