October 27, 2006

The MineThatData Honor Roll

This is my first experiment with "The MineThatData Honor Roll". From time to time, I plan on including links to four articles that are worthy of your consideration.

Articles should meet the following criteria, to be included in the honor roll.
  • Article must be relevant to my niche (database and multichannel marketing).
  • The article does not aim to criticize a person or organization. The author may criticize if the criticism is part of a balanced argument. No "pundit puffery" is allowed here.
  • The author attempts to bring new ideas to the table, or attempts to educate the reader for the sole purpose of benefiting the reader.
Listed below are a series of articles that qualify for the first MineThatData Honor Roll.
  • Avinash Kaushik of Occam's Razor patiently explains the concept of measuring visitors in his web analytics blog. This is a great example of how one makes this honor roll. He explains a topic that others may assume the reader already knows, and he freely gives valuable information to the reader.
  • Robbin Steif at LunaMetrics answers a question from a user about increasing website conversion for $1,524. Kudos to Robbin for giving valuable insight that can actually help any business or any website. In particular, the advice given is very useful for a small online business that doesn't have a lot of technical resources.
  • Welcome Blog Business Summit to the Honor Roll for coverage of the Blog Business Summit Conference this past week in Seattle. The topics they cover are way out in front of where most direct marketers are these days. But be sure to pay attention, because elements of the "Web 2.0" strategies they describe will become part of your business.
And this is where I am stuck. Nearly three hours of reading posts, and I've only found three that meet my criteria. HELP!! Use the comments link to suggest articles from bloggers that you feel meet my criteria.

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