October 28, 2006

E-Mail Article in Direct Magazine

Direct Magazine ran a recent article by Ken Magill titled "It Could Get Ugly". He references comments made by Epsilon Interactive Vice President Michael Della Penna about all-image e-mails being suppressed by large e-mail service providers like Google, AOL or Microsoft.

The executive offers scary comments like "
you're going to get slaughtered online this year" and you are "in for a horrendous online holiday shopping season", if you don't address HTML-only e-mail image problems.

Give Mr. Della Penna credit for trying to help marketers with a potential credit. But don't be frightened into thinking your business is heading toward a horrendous online shopping season, or that you're going to get 'slaughtered' online. Neither will happen. E-mail is one part of a total online strategy that includes online marketing, search, catalogs, direct mail, affiliates, you-name-it! I'll revisit this topic in January, and we'll see if anybody got 'slaughtered' by this issue.

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