July 17, 2024

My Twitter Readers Are Admittedly Biased Toward My Content

But the thirty respondents who voted, well, they voted with uniformity.

So why do you think it is that so darn much focus is on points, promotions, discounts, and campaigns?

P.S.:  I know what some of you are thinking ... "KEVIN, YOU IDIOT, WE ARE MARKETERS, WE DON'T CONTROL THE MERCHANDISE!". Well, if you love handing out points, why not hand out points to customers who buy specific new items upon new item introduction? Or why not hand out points to customers who buy in June when you are in clearance mode to help you get rid of stuff? Why not hand out points to customers who see your Instagram post and buy the featured item in the post? You have so many choices, choices that are merchandise-centric, right?

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